​ideas for a sequel

after 5 minutes of collecting monKees, the volcano explodes and/or the sea level rises too high, and you turn yourself into an NFT to escape the lava/tidal wave.

The next level is side scroller 2d. You meet all the NFTs you've condemned in the past. It becomes apparent that you have shot everyone you have ever loved. They hate you but your unlimited money conjuring sigil cons you ownership of 51% of all NFTs who you command to say without end "the world does not exist" which destroys the blockchain and you are returned to the normal world. You look in the mirror and notice: you are elon musk.

or more feasible idea #2:
same method of entering the glockchain, but then you wake up in the NFT dimension, filled with cyberpunks doing art theft, and use a katana to "silently" "hack" 51% of the cyberpunks. You destroy the NFTs, but wake up in the Ethereum Dimension. Here the ethereum is your health and everyone else's health. There's a boss at the end, which pops you back into the real world, where the lava has now solidified into a new island and you're safe and the Ethereum network is now a ledger full of zeros

Get Enter the glockchain


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